Sunday, December 28, 2008

Cosmogas, AXIA 20E boiler won't stay on & can't keep house warm.

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Three months after purchase and installation of Mestek's Cosmogas boiler I reported problems with lack of heat and the boiler shut-down to Jerome Perea (the plumber) and Abel Roderick (the Mestek Inc., & Embassy Industries Representative). Their response was almost "get lost" and don't bother us - we have your money, "tough luck".

That was followed by one and a half years of phone calls, emails and registered letters to Mestek, Inc., Embassy Industries, Abel Roderick and Jerome Perea ASKING, BEGGING AND FINALLY THREATENING them to either repair or replace the boiler. Their response was always the same "there's nothing wrong with our boiler - you simply don't have enough base board heaters in your house".

When I reminded them that I'd lived in the house for the last fifteen years with the same number of baseboards, they blew me off. Finally, Tony Fazzino simply said "call an attorney".

So I did just that. I hired an attorney. That finally got their attention and they hired a local plumber (not Jerome) to trouble shoot the problems with my boiler.

NOW COMES THE BEST PART:  The plumber did as he was told and repeated that I didn't have enough baseboard heaters. The only problem is that it was the same plumber who installed the baseboards in my house fifteen years ago!!!!  He'd forgotten he did the original installation. Talk about inept!!!!

When Mestek and their attorneys discovered this, I was issued a check so quickly that I wasn't even asked to sign a non-disclosure statement. Wow!

That my dear fellow bloggers is how I'm able to warn the public and disclose the horrible way this Company and their Representative treats their customers. Unfortunately the threat of a lawsuit was the only thing that got their attention.

I took their check and replaced their boiler with a Weil-McLain boiler and I've had a warm house and reliable domestic hot water ever since.

Oh, and by the way - I still have the same baseboard heaters.

For a complete list of Mestek companies and products, visit their website at:

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